I have been thinking of getting an espresso machine at home, not like I drink more than 4-6 shots a day at work, but it would be nice for the weekends, and when I am painting and stuff.
I was wondering if anyone cn recommend a machine that I can pick up used in the 100-150 dollar range, a Nouva Simonelli or something like that, the only thing I require is that A. it is a real espresso machine, not a fakie one, and B. it is manual, not an automatic machine. I like being able to decide when my shot is done, not have the machine tell you when you have extracted enough.
I also like mixing it up as for what I am tossing in h machine. I love it at work when we gwt bored of regular espresso blends and decide to throw a light roasted Costa Rica or Java in the machine. It is god, although it will burn the hair off your chest.