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Oct 26, 2006
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I am new to this forum and have been loving it. I just recently became seriously motivated to open my own coffee shop which I have been wanting to do for years!! I frequent coffee shops in my own state and seek them out whenever I am out of state. I have also worked for a friend that used to own a national franchise so I do have some experience with coffee shop drinks and equipment. Anyway, while researching opening a shop, I thought about looking into buying an existing one. Does anyone have advice on that? I also came across some consulting firms - Bellisimo, JavaBiz and Cafemakers. I saw a post about Bellisimo from someone, but is anyone familiar with the others? Any opinions of these companies? My last question, sorry for the long post, is, has anyone been to the American barista and coffee school? any good/worth it/legit?

Thanks for any of your replies and suggestions