New Coffee Shop AND Starbucks is coming to town


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Jan 30, 2004
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Looking for opinions. I have been working a plan for about 6 months on a coffee store.. Lease is about to be exectued, financing is in place, store layout is done (its 1843 sq ft - a little to much space but maybe space for roasting in the future). Its on the going to work side of the road and is in a high traffic area.

I have just learned that a starbucks is coming to town within a 1/2 mile of this location. Standalone retail, not a barnes and noble kind of setup. The SB location is NOT on the going to work side of the highway is not on the frontage road, but offset.

My store is concept is Tuscany meets California, wi-fi (free), deserts, relaxed and bright. Comfortable, but not cozy.

I would think SB coming to town validates all my demographic and market research. I think I can compete effectively, but maybe thats my heart thinking and not my head.

To Quote the Clash ...... 'Should I stay or should I go now'?
Starbucks will keep popping up no matter where you go. So if your going in go in strong, hold your ground and do a lot of word of mouth promotion. Get all your customers to want to refer their friends to this joint. For me, this local shop was a good meeting place so I'd take people there to meet. Then later on I'd find them there with other people... :)
Same situation

I am going to closing on Thurs. and i also found out Starbucks is going to be here within 6 months. I have established a HUGE night crowd already, the owners of the shop let me set it all up before we closed. I have established a Poetry night, Open mic night, Jazz night, and Various artists on Sat nights. Starbucks will never do any of those things because they stick to just coffe and snacks. I also have a gentlemen coming today to train my whole new staff how to make "proper espresso drinks because Starbuck$$$ doesn't make any of the mochas and lattes the way they are suppose to be made. But like the guy other guy said in his reply, just serve a great product, give the best service and always be interactive with the customers and you will be a winner. Good luck and let me know how thhings go.

With Starbucks coming in within 6 months shows that the area you selected is a good one. Since you have a head start already, use this time to build and be creative. However, don't become obsessed trying to over do things. Remember people will go to Starbucks anyway no matter what you do. Since you've already done all of your homework put it to work. You're right at this time Starbucks does not feature open mic night, etc. but don't assume that they won't in the future. I remember when they said that they would never do drive thrus. However, since their purchase of Seattle's Best Coffee they are moving into other avenues quickly. I must ask, are you concentrating on an evening crowd or would you like to capitalize on the morning business? I'd advise you to visit or have someone else visit some of their existing locations and study what they are doing. This may give you some hints on what direction they are moving. If you find some ideas worth copying, then put them in place before they open their location near you. This may give you a step up and use it against them before they open. Get the idea? Strike before they do.

I hope that whoever is training you is fully qualified in drink preparation, etc. because that will be very important, but not the only thing you have to worry about. There's alot more to it than just making a good drink.

In any case good luck and I hope my 2 cents have been helpful.
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Thanks all for the responses . I know in my heart, with excellent coffee and well trained staff, I can compete with SB easily.

I plan to capitalize on the morning crowd and the local professional crowd. I am just outside the local research park and the wireless (free of course) should be a draw to the techno folks - there are about 55,000 people employed within a 1 mile radius.

I have spent time in plenty of coffee places around the world over the last several years and many of those starbucks. I am not planning (at least not right now) an open mike kind of environment. I dont think this towns 'artist' population is anywhere close to the engineer population.

No no-compete clause. Asked and couldnt get it. There is a Target with a SB in it in the same plaza. The lease is signed, the Landlord incentives are gifts (they are doing the build out, only studs exist today), I am doing the finishing work (Counters, tile, bath finishes (which to meare an extension of the coffee bar). I have a better location than the SB stand-alone going in.

I dont plan on a deli because the place is in an area called resturant row. To much to compete with on that level. I will put in 2 1/2 size convection ovens and try to keep them baking all the time (pre-made doughs and muffin mix, brownies, cookies). Cheese cake....anything else that might cause a heart attack. NY TIMES, WSJ, news mags, and maybe something for the ladies (fashion, or cooking). Also plan on some coffee wares. I have a SAECO superautomatic home unit, but selling those is capital intensive and margins are slim - not sure if I want to venture down the espresso machine path.

The name is Aromas and the tag line is 'Coffee, desserts and a network'. I am wondering about putting in some premium ice cream. Any thoughts? I'd be interested in any creative ideas you might have.
Well I hope the closing went well. I know you mentioned you had a consultant for the training, but have you purchased your coffee and equipment yet? If not, then contact us and let's see if we can work something up for you.