New to forum -

Grind Tech

New member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Hey folks - new to the forum and just wanted to say Hi and offer help to anyone that ask. I have 13 years working on Equipment primarily Astoria and Bunn but play with others some. I am not here to peddle goods but understand I am an Astoria guy so I lean that way in most espresso cases. you guys have a good forum here and I am glad to help if I can.
sweet! Welcome to the forum...haha biscoto I beat you to it :P
The early bird always gets the worm. Topher, it's only 6 a.m. here, you coffee roasters are worse than us bakers.

Welcome Grind Tech! I hope you enjoy your stay. :D
Hahaha I was the one who approved his post and I sent him a PM! Gottcha all beat! :twisted:
Thanks Guys - appreciate the love - CCafe, I have adjusted my sig - thanks
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