New to Forum

all abuzz

New member
Sep 7, 2008
Visit site
Hi there! I''ve known about this site for quite some time, but am just now registering as a user. For now, just dropping a line to introduce myself and will be back later for some chit chat!!

Hello "all abuzz" (Debbie)

Welcome to the Coffee Forum!

You certainly will find lots of useful information here.

In addition to the Forum Index, another handy tool is the "Search" feature. Up at the top of the screen (on the left) you will see the word "Search." Cilck on it, and you will get a screen where you can search for whatever topic that you want. Then you'll see a list of all of the postings on that topic. It's an interesting way to explore the forum and see what's been discussed, etc.


Pink I'm going to see if we can get your title changed to Forum Greeter. I say you have been one of the best people out there helping greet people. Thank you since a lot of us either don't get around to it or plumb pass over it.

Also all abuzz welcome to the forum and I hope you keep coming back!
Thanks CCafe! I'm always glad to help when I can.

However, I think our friend, Mr. Caffe Biscotto, has already earned the title of Forum Greeter. He manages to spot the newbees way before most of us do. I have a long way to go to catch up with him.

Ha, PinkRose, you've got me beat by a mile.

CCafe is right, you've certainly earned your keep in the forum, and then some.
Thank you for making the newbies feel at home...

:D Welcome all abuzz! :D