New Toy


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Aug 14, 2003
Boca Raton
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We just got a new toy for work...picked this machine up for $900 at an auction. It had only been used for 4 months...lightly used at that..
Great deal!! especially for 900.00
What model is it?
I just ordered Cirqua's Easy 360 and their AB Formulator. Hopefully will have it by the end of October!!
That will be my new toy.
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I felt bad for the people that had gone out of business....then again how do you sink all your money into opening and leave no cushion? I mean to go out in 4 months is crazy....I guess they thought they would start making money the first day open. They also sold their counter tops and cabinets. I wish I would have gone in on those! They had paid over $3000 for them and let them go for $150! Pug...if you need machines let me know...I see some good deals now and then :wink:
Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous. My Lello Ariete makes fine espresso, but what a great deal! You will have to share how it turns out, dialing it in, and all the quirks with it.