off the subject, Sign repair


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Jul 28, 2005
Pacific Northwest
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So we have this internally lighted sign, way way up on this fat pole, 20 feet high. One of the lamps inside seems not to be working. Before I go up there, anyone done this kind of thing?

Is there usually a secret panel, or do I just have to keep taking things apart till I get to the bulb?

It was formerlly a Dunkin Doughnuts, years ago.

Cafe Ono,
Portland Oregon
Sign Repair

If you like heights and have good insurance, by all means fix it yourself. Otherwise, I would think that it is worth it to hire a sign company to come and fix the light and/or sign.

I believe that getting at the lights inside is just a matter of getting the plastic insert out, which should be a fairly easy proposition. Of course, you may need to get a particular size light bulb for the sign, which may or may not be something that is easy to find. All around, I'd opt for the sign company to come and do it, as they can probably do it in about an hour, and they have the right equipment.

Sorry for being negative, but in my opinion, some things are best handled by others who are the professionals at what they do. You have your business that you are the expert at, and I bet it doesn't include changing lights in outdoor signs.
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Darwin and Men

Actually, I appreciate the constructive reply. maybe it's kind of a guy thing. You know, the whole "How many guy's does it take to change a lightbulb?" affront to masculinity.

I'll take your advice and at least mull it over carefully before testing Darwin's theory.
