Opening a shop in two weeks!


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Richmon, TX
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Hi! We are about to open a frozen yogurt (think pinkberry) and espresso cafe. This is our first time owning anything retail and we are excited and a bit nervous, of course. Smile

We plan on doing a soft-open utilizing now open banners and 5K door hangers. We have already started marketing through word-of-mouth and are utilizing coming soon signs. We will also do a huge grand opening a couple weeks later, with another 5k door hangers, ribbon cutting through the chamber, sign holders on the street, and a \"carnival\". (About 80% of our nearby homes have young children.) We will distribute coupons and fliers to local businesses, schools (for the froyo), and gyms (froyo and smoothies).

We have loyalty cards ready to go and a POS system with which I can track customers and send emails (only periodically, of course) through.

I have branding some travel mugs and I'm thinking of possibly offering free coffee for the month (or something similar) with purchase of mug. Question - Would a deal like that cut into my more profitable espresso drink sales?

Regarding baked goods/sweets, what have you seen sell the best? Right now, my list is biscotti, brownies, cheesecake, croissants, danishes, muffins, and cream puffs (for a small sweet). Any suggestions?

Another question: I'll be running 2 POS systems and accepting CC's. How much should I try starting the till with?

I would also greatly appreciate any random advice that you may have for someone who is a couple weeks away from opening.

Thanks to all you veterans!
Well congrats on your new store. It sounds like you have a good plan to get this off the ground. The key is exposure to the store and getting people to notice you. Regarding specific items to sell, that varies from place to place as far as what is popular. But, again you have a good starting place.
One thing about shops like this is that people and creatures of habit and convenience. You products can hook them and become a habit, and how convenient you make it for them will be helpful for sure.

As far as $ in the till....$200 is what we use.

Good luck and let us all know how it's going...Eric
Hello, I just opened my store today and one word of advice. People do not like biscottis!

I have no clue why, they are so delicous. And we are doing a soft opening and planning on blanketing the area next week with 1k flyers.

I have the now open sign but, people are trickling in. I am hoping by next week with marketing and my cute younger sister out on the street with a sign will help direct more traffic into our drive thru.

I should do a ribbon cutting to. Are you advertising in any papers or hwo are you advertising the ribbon cutting and festival?
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we're open

We finally opened last Thursday. The best marketing I've done so far is with the high school kids. I've gotten the marketing students involved in planning a grand opening/fundraiser and they are doing a great job.

We did 5000 door hangers this weekend and have already gotten quite about 25 back.

Opening day - Sunday were great. Today was pretty slow. I guess that's just a Monday thing?

Good luck to you!