Organic and RFA


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Aug 14, 2003
Boca Raton
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Just curious..anyone selling Organic or Rain Forrest alliance coffee? We started selling them about 6 months ago. I was surprised when I noticed that the RFA was out selling the Organic coffee.
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Nope...we are selling Panamanian RFA. I was just a bit thrown..I figured we would sell more of Organic..what do I know..
We sell all sorts of different "Cause" coffees our goal is 100% socially and environmentally sustainable coffees, we don't see a big difference in sales based solely on the certification. I think its more the popularity of the origin and hopefully the TASTE.
We have always sold Shade Grown, Organic, and Fair Trade Coffee but it is limited the areas that we can choose from.

This month we are seeing how people react to just Shade Grown Certification, it is both RFA and Smithsonian.

What are your best sellers in RFA Certified coffee?