To get back on the Organic,
I am not a Pure veggie person, and eat Plenty of Meat, and respect others who don"t
But, any meat, produce, or any kind of plant life grown with Chemicals in it,
not to mention, the Complete lack of checking for it in some foreign Countries.
Leads me to believe that yes even, Coffee roasted at high temps, may still have a
hint of some chemical trace in it, however little or high.
How strong may depend on, if there is an infestation problem, or if the chemical
has been cut.
As I hold several lic, in the chemical field. Factors could be, to stimulate growing
and or cycles, of simply eradication. Some use the good old powerful stuff, shipped
down from here, now banned, and available there at basement prices.
Others choose not to use chemicals, and grow Organic, while some simply are
from poor regions and can not afford to buy chemical treatments, or Ferts.
One thing we must not forget, is in many cases, Organic Coffee can be found at fantastic prices,
and Supports the little Farmers, small Family Farms, that need the help of the Coffee community
where possible. These are hard working folks, who do produce some of the Worlds finest
Beans. They will be lost to the coyotes and others who prey upon them, and force them
to sell at the lowest ball prices when times are tough.
Not saying we should ignore un organic, because a lot of Good stuff exist !!
But its good for the soil, the Earth our kids will be handed, and to Help the Craftsmen and
Women, who have handed us this Great Brew in the First Place.
A lot of us owe that Heritage, for the lifestyle we live today.