Place to buy Hawaiian Kona coffee - recommendation please..


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Jun 15, 2004
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I would like to purchase hawaiian Kona coffee and would like to know if someone can recommend some places please.

I am looking for the high quality coffee bean - and willing to pay up to $30/lb.

Thank you.
Hi Fiery360, has Kona Extra Fancy Captain Cook Estate coffee for $27.95/lb or 5 pounds for $113.75.

I'm an employee, and on my first day I poured whatever was in the pot into a cup and was totally amazed. I thought, "Wow our coffee rules!"

I was then told that it was Kona and we're normally not allowed to drink it. :roll:
I agree with the last recomendation. We carried the Captain Cook for years and it is fabulous. Their prices aren't bad either.
It's legal to label a bag "Kona" if only 10% of the beans are from Kona. Be sure you're buying 100% Kona and you should be fine. From there, beans from one farm vary a bit from beans from another farm, but they're all pretty good. Some folks like graded beans but I prefer estate run beans from northern Kona farms. It's personal.
30/06 said:
It's legal to label a bag "Kona" if only 10% of the beans are from Kona. Be sure you're buying 100% Kona and you should be fine.

Not where I am but different countries different rules, over here it would have to be labeled as a blend, which you have to watch for when buying JBM especially.
Re: Place to buy Hawaiian Kona coffee - recommendation pleas

fiery360 said:
I would like to purchase hawaiian Kona coffee and would like to know if someone can recommend some places please.

I am looking for the high quality coffee bean - and willing to pay up to $30/lb.

Thank you.

Hi Fiery360,

Aroma Garden has Hawaiian Isles Kona Coffee for sale.

Like CoffeeAM, I am an employee with Aroma Garden. We are currently running a "Winter Warm-up" promotion where you can get up to 20% off our regular prices. Specials are listed on our specials page.

I was truly amazed when I first tried the "Chocolate Macadamia Nut" blend (my father in-law first introduced me to it). Anyhow, hope it helps. :grin:
Why not purchase Kona directly from the grower? You can at , and I have heard nothing but raves about their coffee. Personally I've never tried it myself, as there are other coffees that cost less that I like more than Kona, but they have good prices, and this way you know what you are getting is actually Kona coffee, and not a Kona blend, or something else. It runs $22 a pound, shipped to your door.

Not to beat a dead horse, but just like RCS1 said, buy direct.
Here is an incomplete list of kona farms selling direct: ... na_Coffee/

Every year there is a Kona cupping contest, the results are here:
You can see who has won and who place int eh top 10. nice reviews.

Ive bought from 10+ different plantations and the one thing I have learned, the expensive batches did not necessarily mean they were going to taste better. Anyone willing to pay $30/lb you are just wasting your money. I have yet to find anyone that can distiguish the difference between $20/lb kona and $35/lb. kona.
Talking about CoffeeAM Kona specialty, I just added the EXACT same product to my website for 26$ a pound.


Too bad my shopping cart is still Paypal (still working on those damn PERL open source carts).
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