Please Critique A Noob's Esprsso Machine Choice


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Jul 5, 2007
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We'll be opening a new 1 window coffee drive-thru soon. This is our first coffee venture and thus want to take some of the guesswork (skill?) out of providing a consistent product this time around. So, we've "just about" chosen the Nuova Simonelli Master Coffee 1 gr superautomatic machine.

Will this machine keep up with a 100-150 cup/day business? It obviously provides no redundancy, is this an issue?


Yes it will do 150 cups a day without any problem. I'm not a big fan of the Master line. Mostly its a very stripped down version of the XS. 1 boiler with a very small element, only 1 grinder, and very few drink settings.

You might want to look at other machines that will give you more bang for your buck. La Cimbali just introduced its entry level M1.

2 hoppers, about the same size boiler and element. You can add a TurboSteam arm for about a grand. They list around $10,500 but you will want to call for a real number.

Rancilio Ergo has a dual boiler setup, 2 hoppers, and big element. They start around the upper $12K section. ... ategory=32