Popular drink sizes??

drive through only

we offer 12-16-20-24 ounce sizes;

16 #1
24 #2
20 #3
12 #4

as for popularity or sales

also I have a small number of mocha drinks that I don't offer but the three larger sizes on.

cold drinks are 16/24 only....
While those probably are the most popular, a cappuccino should never be over 8 oz and I desperately hope that we Americans will soon snap out of the 'bigger is better' when it comes to coffee.
I think a lot depends on what part of the country you are in, and how well these drinks are received. Here in our neck of the woods, you better have 8 oz drinks available. As KS says, "a cappuccino should never be over 8 oz" not to mention your straight shot drinkers. Personally I'm not a big fan of the larger sized hot drinks, but what are you gonna do? Be fore warned, rumor has it that they may also come out with a 32oz hot cup as well...What's next 64oz????? Oh no :twisted:
small sizes

I have very very few straight shot or true machiato drinkers (espresso stained with milk). Not sure how well an 8 ounce would go over.

You would be suprised how many 24 ounce Cap's we make...yes I cringe when I hear them order it, but I foam up big time and deliver 4 shots covered with a ton of foam....no complaints - its wierd......
I use 12, 16 and 20 oz cups for most of my drinks. I serve the Espresso Shots and Machiotoes(sp) in an 8oz cup. Yeah I have people ask for 20oz Caps, but I think it has more to do with the name sounding cool than any real preferance. Most folks can't tell the difference bettween a Cap and an Latte. Except up in Seattle where children are nursed on coffee.
HA HA... :D E911, "Most folks can't tell the difference bettween a Cap and an Latte. Except up in Seattle where children are nursed on coffee." Seeing that I grew up in Sacramento, I can tell you some stories about "Frisco"... :wink:

So we ONLY offer two sizes of to go cups and only two sizes of drinks period. we make you choose one way or the other. We have Big 20oz and little 12 ounce. A Cappuccino is a ratio drink so as long as you serve about 1/3rd espresso to 2/3rds milky foamy silk it is technically a cappuccino. We do not make anything besides a 6 ounce Cappuccino witha double shot. Half our drinks are smaller than 6 ounces. Our most popular size is 12 ounce or smaller for espresso drinks. Our most popular size for drip coffee is 20 ounce. We are abotu 65% real ceramic for here drinks every day including the morning rush. But we are weird and coffee insane.

I say be true and real and become a coffee destiantion and stick with fewer sizes, more espresso taste and less milky, sugary, gookieness.

We sell 30-40 straight espressos a day out of a silly little strip mall in Santa Clara. Out of hundreds of drinks a day. We are about 75% espresso drinks.

small is beautiful.
Espresso911 said:
Hey Celement,
Are you driving one of Bruces rigs?

nope its home grown....we've decided to do it "in house" and take a couple of months...we want to build a few of them and the costs of oursourcing the job was more then I could do at the moment....