Press Releases


New member
Jul 24, 2007
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Does anyone have any experience with online press release services.

Did they work or was it a scam.

Would anyone recommend one?
If this is for your 'Grand Opening' or any other big event:
My Thoughts:

Don't use a service, do any press releases yourself.
I would suggest contacting the local newspaper(s) and News stations-- or simply reading their associated websites for the proper contact information and send press releases to ALL local print and news media-- provided you have something worth releasing other than "Grand Opening"... and you are likely to get coverage.

Link an Event or something beneficial to the community for your opening. We did a weekend benefit for No More Homeless Pets of Utah on our opening and donated ALL proceeds to charity. I personally have a very low opinion of those who do a "All Profits" or "A Portion of the Proceeds" on a big event. We had both print and news coverage. I had a whole 15 seconds of air time on a one minute spot. Donate to the local Humane Society, Children's Hospital, or to the YMCA... make a local connection with something YOU care about and make a long term commitment with that organization. It's great PR, it's good to give to the community, and lots of people will come sample your tasty drinks.


Have you ever used an online service? Has anyone you know used an online service. I'd like to know if they work or not. That was the question.

By the way, the last part of your reply was the sort of thing I was looking for with my question on promotional ideas.

Thanks, but you haven't answered the question. This is the question you answered:
What are some ways to launch a new store and get some publicity?
:? For someone who really hasn't done much homework at all you really don't seem to understand the value of the answers you've been given.


Your answers are great. They just correspond with different questions.
I know you are only trying to be helpful but it's a little frustrating reading through multiple paragraphs only to find your question wasn't answered.

I think what you're trying to say is that I'm asking the wrong questions so you try and answer the question you think I should have asked.

Don't second guess people, it makes you sound pompous. You brag about your 350% sales increase, but without divulging 1st year sales the dollar amount may not be very impressive. Also, you state I haven't done my homework. How do you know? Did it ever occur to you that perhaps I've already learned the answers to all of these questions years ago and I'm only hear to try and get new, fresh perpectives on old ideas?


point taken.

Sorry if it came off that way, but I put a lot of work into what I do, and I see too many new owners asking for 'free advice', complaining about what they get, and ultimately nine out of ten fail because they never took the time to understand anything. I apologize if I was sticking you in that category.

I don't think my sales are impressive, I'm still waiting to crack the $1K mark. But I do think reputation on quality and making it through our first three years without failing is better than a stick in the eye.

I'm happy to (not) answer your questions anytime! :D

Here's to your success!
No Problem

Hey Paul,

No worries, we're all in this together. Congrats on three years!

By the way, you have courage going for it in Utah. Is the population there still mostly mormon. I have a mormon friend and he tells me they are not allowed to drink coffee or tea, among other things.

If you're ever in Southern California look me up. We can compare notes over some tasty, press pot coffee.

Doug, :wink:

The state is full of a bunch of Mormons, but Salt Lake City is 70% non-Mormon. It's more the low population and the severely poor coffee education we have to overcome.

John... the name is John


Sorry - I don't know why I keep calling you Paul.

...but that was funny
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