Problems with Miele CVA5060 built in espresso machine


New member
Aug 8, 2023
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I hope I can get some help here. I will try to explain my problem.
Some time ago my favorite kitchen appliance started to make weak coffee. I did cleaning and descale, both two times but no difference. I dismounted the brewer and fount out that the "hold down part" was actually broken. It is this part of the brew unit:

Screenshot 2023-08-08 223226.webp

I ordered a new brewing unit and mounted it. Now the coffee is better, but not as it should be (or was).
When the brewing cycle runs there is a sound that has not been there before. It sounds like the motor is too weak and can't complete the cycle. Please see here: Miele coffee machine problem (Youtube link)
You can hear the sound 14 seconds into the video.
The machine have brewed almost 20000 cups of coffee. Hopefully I can repair it!
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