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Aug 18, 2004
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anyone ever heard of a latte flavored esspresso roast. i thought that most of the time esspresso unflavored.
thanks for the help.
redmoose said:
anyone ever heard of a latte flavored esspresso roast. i thought that most of the time esspresso unflavored.
thanks for the help.

I heard from a roaster about a lady who is using a flavored roast (some blueberry vanilla thing) and her customers love it (small specialty store that sells espresso)


oh well, in this age of a where U.S. Wine industry is really florishing, I never thought a wine called "2 Buck Chuck" would make it.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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i think my employer made a mistake because she said this latte blend is an esspresso blend but it doesnt say esspresso blend anywhere on the bag all it says is latte blend. do you think she made a mistake?
Well - it might just be an espresso blend that was designed to withstand a really milky drink like a latte. Therefore called a latte blend.
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hey thats a good point i never thought of that. but would it not make sense to put something about esspresso on a big 5 lbs bag of coffee beans
hey thats a good point i never thought of that. but would it not make sense to put something about esspresso on a big 5 lbs bag of coffee beans

You would think, but people do funny things in the name of marketing! :-D

I would hazzard a guess that in general, more people drink lattes than straight up espresso. So - maybe they are thinking they are target marketing that way?
well, call me a purist. But! flavored espresso bean? Well, when running them in your gineder you would taint your grinder to taste like that falvor for many grinds later. What if a customer wants and espresso? I always believe in adding flavor to the drink not the beans. Maybe I misunderstood....but it's not really " acceptable" to flavor esspresso, and to some much less any bean.
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hahaha i was right my boss finaly admited that it was a flavored roast for drip coffee. i dont know how many times i told her that it was not an esspresso. she wouldnt listen. but i was right. i go in there and she was like i just found out it is not a flavored roast. as if i didnt know. how stupid does she think i am.

But I Was Right. hahahahaha.