Regular or Decaff Coffee?

Regular Coffee or Decaffeinated?

  • I prefer my Coffee Regular.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I prefer my Coffee Decaffeinated.

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  • No Preferences.

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Mar 12, 2003
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How do you prefer your cup of Coffee? Regular or Decaf?
I'd like to know how everyone enjoys their coffee? With or without the caffeine. Truthfully I enjoy it with Caffeine, the extra perk assists me with long nights that I work. Decaf is like a bedtime story, warm and cozy; It can help me to sleep.
Decaf? is that like non-dairy milk? hehe just kidding.

I stick to tea and water when I want a decaf drink.
Caffeine Coffee~

When Regular Coffee is NOT available I go with water, or soda. I love coffee very much but decaffeinated coffee tastes a little empty. Could be mind games are that extra glitch of flavor added from the caffeine.

Coffee Lover, I don't get it, but you are like a lot of people that claim they can tell a taste difference in regular vs. decaf.

I usually drink regular because all the flavors that are available are only available in regular. If all coffee was the same price and flavor, I would choose decaf so I didn't have to pee so much :(
Regular Coffee PLEASE

I call myself a Regular type coffee girl with extra suger! The coffee should be natural with the caffeine still inside of it.

Actually I will drink ANYTHING but Ill take regular over decaf by choice, and if regular is not available I will drink decaffinated coffee.


What's the point of decaf? For me, coffee ain't coffee without the buzzzzz!
First of all tintinet...aren't you the one who wasn't able to drink regular coffee for a long time? Anyway....I have this coffee that you true caffeine junkies would love!!! I personally don't drink flavored coffee but a company called Danisco(flavorings for coffee beans) sells....these coffee flavors are boosted with the coffee has even more caffeine!!
oh they also have macca also...which they claim is a natural version of Viagra...well that is what doctors in Lima say! :roll:
topher said:
First of all tintinet...aren't you the one who wasn't able to drink regular coffee for a long time? Anyway....I have this coffee that you true caffeine junkies would love!!! I personally don't drink flavored coffee but a company called Danisco(flavorings for coffee beans) sells....these coffee flavors are boosted with the coffee has even more caffeine!!
oh they also have macca also...which they claim is a natural version of Viagra...well that is what doctors in Lima say! :roll:

When I couldn't drink coffee, I still mainlined tea! (not quite the same jolt).

I can't deal with more than a touch of flavored coffee or I OD and get nauseous :x
Decaf? What's that? It 's like a sandwich without bread or pizza without cheese! Makes no sense to me.
Neutered Coffee?

javagirl81 said:
Decaf? What's that? It 's like a sandwich without bread or pizza without cheese! Makes no sense to me.

Yeah, decaf is neutered coffee to me. I just ain't natural!
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