Roaster info


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May 19, 2008
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Have been checking out roasters for possible new business.
Been talking to the big names.Just came across Judge Java Roasters.
Any thoughts out there on these machines???
Wanted to ask a similar question. Search function pointed to this thread.

I too am searching for a roaster and found Judge Java. Anyone have info?


This is a new unit at the $8K price point. I am looking for a used machine of brand X. (?)
For a good quality and affordable prices, please contact with Toper Roasters
I have purchased from Toper, thier machine is decent, but the service is just horrible. their manufacturer is in Turkey that means everything the machine needs has to be shipped from there and it takes more than 5 months. dont trust them saying they have the parts coz they don't stock anything
Dear Senna,
We are sorry to read your post which is full of bad charges. Our company has a history of 60 years and we have been always trying to help our customers as soon as possible (both directly from the factory or through our agents)
Please tell us about your problem with the machine and do not forget to mention your company details, as well as the serial number of the roaster. Unfortunately we are of the opinion that this message has been post with the aim of a provacation and/or by one of our competitors. Our company always try to help our customers before,during and after sales. Spare parts are sent through our agents who are all around the World like Germany, The Netherlands, Russia, USA, KOREA, South Africa, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia etc… who are more than 21. In other cases we send the spare parts directly from factory. And on the contrary to your 5 mounths delivery, we send all spare parts with FedEx which takes only 5 days maximum.
So, please give us your contact details and your problem. We would be more than happy to help you.
Best Regards,
Turkish Roasting Machinery

Hi Cranberry,

First, let me qualify the following by saying that we recently took over the distributorship for Has Garanti from our dear friend Chris Crain of the Delaware City Coffee Company. Chris was taken from us by the b*****d cancer back in July. He sold us a range of roasters, helped us out with emergencies and was a great friend to everyone here at Kitten Coffee and our families.

We went through this very same process with Chris about 5 years ago and, like you, had to look long and hard at Turkish roasting equipment because of the huge price saving. We settled on a Toper and have since moved on to a larger Has Garanti. We have read all the "dissing" of Turkish roasting equipment and in our experience it simply isn't true. Like all industrial arts, it really is the wo/man not the machine. Just because you're driving a La Marzocco doesn't mean you'll pull great shots! There are subtle and significant differences in the way Turkish roasters are operated compared to Italian, Israeli, German and US machines. Master these and they produce excellent coffee.

I understand and respect people who want to support American industry but that doesn't always equate to better value for money.

One of their great advantages is that they are truly industrial machinery designed for hard work and easy service. We have roasted thousands of pounds without a hiccup. The little support we have sought from Turkey has been prompt and efficient.

Look long and hard at all the offerings from Turkish manufacturers (including HG from americancoffeeroastingmachinery). Taste some coffee roasted on these machines. We know they are worth serious consideration alongside Diedrich, Probat, US Roasters, etc

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