Roaster Purchase - Bangkok Area


New member
Jun 14, 2009
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Looking to buy a 5 - 10 kg. new or a very good quality used roaster.
I am located in the Bangkok area. Please drop me a note if you have any leads.
Many thanks in advance.

Steve, there is an Italian guy (name I have forgotten but you can do a search on this forum) who is livuing in Thailand and building roasters. He has pedigree- his father worked for Petrocini for many years building roasters. He maybe your best bet to get a roaster without having to import one- which with duty is expensive! If he can not help PM me. I could probably get you a good deal on a new 10kg. I would not recommend 5kg as you will fiond out very quickly it probably will be too small for you. Cheers, Alun
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Thank you for your note.
Yes, I did email him off an email address that is 2 years reply.
I will try to run him down in this forum...if not I will get back to you.

Many thanks,
