roasters and grinders


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Mar 1, 2007
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I am in the midst of opening a coffee place in Macau, China.

I want the people to see the roaster and the grinder. I want to sell coffee by the cup and by the bag.

Any suggestions ?
Hey Isabelle, good to have you on board. Seems there is a cafe-roaster boom in China at the moment, I am getting a lot of enquiry regarding green coffee and even espresso machines (btw we are not the CMA-Astoria rep for China-HK-Macau!). I think you have a good opportunity in Macau- although I know both Starbucks and Costa Coffee are looking at getting in there big-time. Have a look at a few of the specialty cafe and roastr opperators accross the Delta in HK. There are some really well set up places there, especially several that are opperated by Americans, Kiwis and Aussies. Anyhow, good luck
Thank you for answering me,

I have started to look at who are my competitors here in Macau and who is big in Hong Kong.

As impossible as it may seem, for the moment, there is only one roaster here in Macau. There are a few starbucks but nothing compared to HK.

I have some competitors from Portugal and Brazil but they are mostly concentrated in the most visited part of Macau.

My experience with coffee comes from Ethiopia. I am sure you know about the coffee ceremony they have overthere and the resulting cup they serve.

I am far from thinking of reproducing this here where everything has to be fast.

I see you are writing from Indonesia and if I am not mistaken, the approach people have towards coffee overthere must be similar to the one here in the sense that it is relatively new to them, they are tea drinkers. and they do not like the expresso.

But I want to bring something new.

Do you know of anybody who has done that?

thank you,
I would like to know which roasting machine you would recommend between the:

1. Probat L5


2. Balestra 3K Gas Recirc Roaster

Thank you,

I am a Probat fan, however you have plenty of other options. These are pretty small roasters I think you might need something a bit bigger to be honest
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