Roel from the Netherlands


New member
May 26, 2009
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Hello everyone,

I'm Roel from the Netherlands, 19 years old and a coffee addict for quite some years now.
I used to drink instant espresso (horrible, I know) until I bought my first Italian made manual espresso machine, three years ago.

I have tried many brands of ground espresso from all over Europe, and I've enjoyed quite a few espresso's from all over Europa, Asia and the north of Africa. I've concluded that tastes differ very much but all over the world people enjoy their cup of coffee every day.

Since a year or so I always buy freshly ground espresso (I don't grind beans myself) from Plums Kaffee. That is the oldest German coffee roastery located in Aachen. Their Espresso is of high quality and I always enjoy visiting their store because they're always helpful and you can see coffee is their passion.
I also buy ground coffee to use in my drip machine from "Melangerie" (Lidl Germany) which is a mixture of arabica beans from Columbia, Kenia and Venezuela.

My favorite coffee drink is one I've created myself: a ristretto topped with frothed cold (!) milk mixed with a bit of Limoncello and with a bit of lemon shell rind on top. If you take enough time to froth the lemon rind will nicely stay on top of the milk foam. That way it's a treat for the eye too.

I've joined this forum to learn from other coffee lovers and exchange tips. I'd also like to help newcomers commencing their journey into the world of coffee.

Hi Roel,

Welcome to the Coffee Forums!

You described a very interesting drink recipe that you created. I did an on-line search and learned that Limoncello is an Italian lemon liqueur that is also known as Lemoncello. It sounds like a very tasty (and pretty) drink.

One of the many things that I enjoy about this forum is that there is a lot of information available, and I am constantly learning new things.

I hope you'll enjoy exploring the forum topic areas and that you'll visit often.

Hi Rose,

Thank you!

Limoncello is indeed an Italian liqueur, made from lemon rinds. I first bought it in Limone sul Garda, a small town situated next to Lake Garda in Italy. It is a very sweet and subtle drink and is a great contrast to the strong flavours of the ristretto.

I have been browsing through the topics on this forum and I have already learnt a lot! It is great to see such a gathering of people with the same interest.

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