Rotary pressure filter coffee cup

The translation is a bit funky, most noticeably "the Buddhist ritual procedures filters in view of the tradition presses the pot". the original text is French press, not some mystical Eastern enlightening procedure. Then again a good cup of coffee is pretty zen like.
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1 Through the utilization of self contained secondary cup and lid, additional secondary screening and filtration is achieved, thereby produces a superior result of coffee powder filtering.

2. Due to the rotary extrusion and compression effects from both inside and exterior cups, maximum coffee extraction is possible without any concern of seepage of fine coffee powder.

3. The lower part of the filtering screen is at direct pressurized contact with the immersed coffee powder. The coffee powder will then stay firmly compacted resulting further extraction of coffee impossible.

4. After brewing, just drink directly from the cup. It is not necessary to pour into another cup before drinking.

5. Due to its unique design, it acts as a double-layer insulating cup and therefore provides thermal retention.