ROYAL #4 Coffee Roaster For Sale


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 14, 2003
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how much are you asking...and when you say its all original does that mean you are running leather belts for the drum?
I will buy the roaster if it is still for sale...please message me.
I have a 1914 Royal #4 coffee roaster for sale, message me if intrested.
Royal coffee roaster

how much are you asking...and when you say its all original does that mean you are running leather belts for the drum?
Email me at stvn1976 at gmail dot com or call at 5207849316
Email me at stvn1976 at gmail dot com or call at 5207849316
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This is a very old thread. (please check the date at the left top corner of each post before responding).

It's been over a year since KoffeeKing last visited the Coffee Forum.

I really doubt that the roaster in question is still available.
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