Shade grown

I'm not sure why you would think that all coffee used to be shade grown. (Or is now.) My guess is that its just better advertised now than it used to be.
I believe that years ago alot of coffee was shade grown because alot of the smaller farmers had to diversify their crops to feed the family. Bananas and other crops could be harvested to create food and extra income. Also when things got better as far as coffee prices alot of farmers took down those shade trees and planted coffee trees. Also alot of people just plowed down trees and planted coffee trees and made their farms bigger. I have visited Costa Rica and this is how it was explained to me by the farmers I talked to. I might of been handed a line but it made sense to me.
My understanding is that most coffee is traditionally shade grown; coffee is not naturally found growing in full sun. As with any commercial crop, the forests have stripped back to make space and new cultivars bred to increase yields.