sirocco coffee roaster


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Apr 15, 2007
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I need some HELP - I came across some Sirocco Coffee Roasters. I am in the salvage wholesale business, these are new machines meaning still in box - picture available-

but honestly have no idea what they are or they''re worth. can anyone help me or does anyone know anything about these machines? I can not seem to locate anything online about these, google, etc
Dear snygren -

These Sirocco roasters, are they large industrial roasters or the tabletop home roasters of the same name made by Siemens? Would like to see pictures. Thanks.
For some people who roast their own coffee, off-the-shelf home coffee roasting appliances don't cut it. Either they don't offer enough control of the roast, are too expensive, or just don't allow the roaster (uh, the person that is) to express themselves. The homemade or seriously modified commercial roasters on this page are alternately amusing and intimidating in appearance, but whatever the case, they probably work very well. And if they don't, you can bet they will be reconfigured endlessly until they do by their respective owners. A disclaimer on behalf of every roaster on this page: modifying electric and gas roasting equipment is dangerous. A 120 v shock isn't half as bad as burning down your house though, and that is a serious possibility. When you build or modify a roaster, you assume a great deal of risk, and should be extremely cautious. You never, ever, ever walk away from a machine when it is in use.
Hola buenas tardes aun tienes algun tostador sirocco? tengo uno pero solo tengo el motor me falta la cápsula y la tapa ojala alguien me puede ayudar a conseguirurestas piezas


Hello good afternoon, do you even have a sirocco toaster? I have one but I only have the engine. I'm missing the capsule and the cover. I hope someone can help me get these parts Thank you.
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Hola buenas tardes aun tienes algun tostador sirocco? tengo uno pero solo tengo el motor me falta la cápsula y la tapa ojala alguien me puede ayudar a conseguirurestas piezas


Hello rubas:

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website.

All of the posts on this Forum should be written in English. Please post in English from now on.

This is the translation that I found online:

Hello good afternoon, do you even have a sirocco toaster? I have one but I only have the engine. I'm missing the capsule and the cover. I hope someone can help me get these parts. Thank you.
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I wonder why the owner of that stuff junk it up. Can be a gift to someone who is not a coffee lover ;)
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