Ok, I have the Solis Maestro Grinder (not the new 2005 grinder). It work great, but I have a user problem (ME, I think). I grind the beans but even the drip setting seems a bit too fine. The coffee tastes bitter. Your normal 2 tablespoons for ever 6 ounces is a ton of coffee and it is way too bitter. Is it me or is the Solis Maestro Grinder course grind not good? I tried 1 tablespoon for every 6 oz and still no good. Tries 3 different beans, $40 later still no good.
This is going into a coffee drip....
Ok, I have the Solis Maestro Grinder (not the new 2005 grinder). It work great, but I have a user problem (ME, I think). I grind the beans but even the drip setting seems a bit too fine. The coffee tastes bitter. Your normal 2 tablespoons for ever 6 ounces is a ton of coffee and it is way too bitter. Is it me or is the Solis Maestro Grinder course grind not good? I tried 1 tablespoon for every 6 oz and still no good. Tries 3 different beans, $40 later still no good.
This is going into a coffee drip....