Starbucks, Lewis Black claims it to be the end of the world

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While I cannot resist a mocha coconut, or a chocolate brownie frappucino, I have to agree that there are a bit too many Starbucks. Many a shopping center has one starbucks right near their entrance, then as you're driving through the rest of the center, your eyes see.... another Starbucks... Then, across the street, you spot another Starbucks. Lets not forget the Starbucks that are built into the grocery stores as well. Perhaps they need neutering so they can stop spreading, or perhaps I just need another mocha coconut because the one I got at the first store is almost gone.
Anyone who has seen a Starbucks, has probly seen two or more. They seem to breed, multiplying and spotting local landscapes like a bacteria.
And that is how Starbuck Inc. wants it. They saturate a target market area with so many shops that each one acts as a billboard and promotional for their starbucks stores as a whole.
So, it works everyone sees starbucks' everywhere and every ends up there at some point in time.
Ok -- you guys are all going to make fun of me.... well, ok maybe not, we are all geeks in here, right? :D
Anyway, I have been all over the world to collect the Starbucks' City Mugs. Here is one with my pet guinea pig:

Anyway I can confirm that while there may be 23,623 Starbucks in London, there are *3* spread out in the rest of the country LOL :D

Nokia I have been around the US searching for these City Mugs. They make a Palm Pilot program called "Starbucks Locator" and it works very well! Columbus, OH had a bunch of Starbucks, but no city mug. Also there were no city mugs for big cities like Indianappolis, St. Louis, and NY City*. However they make random ones like that "NY State" one above, and a "United Kingdom" one as well as a London one.

I could go on ad nausium but I will spare you and just ask if anyone else collects the mugs? :lol: what ones do you have, if so?

*disclaimer: I went on my city-mug search in Fall of 2001 so there may be some more mugs out now
You'll never catch me at Starbucks! And now that I see they put guinea pigs :lol: in the coffee I'm glad to have a great stash of beans here at the house.

Cream: Yes
Sugar: Yes
Guinea pigs: No
LOL That is Lil' Wombat, my pet who recently passed away :cry: .

I only put him there because he was soooo good, I did a webpage for him called "Lil' Wombat's Typical Day"

Is that legal? to put a link to one of my webpages here? :shock:

Sometimes I do put odd things in my coffee. I have tried mixing a milk chocolate bar in (don't do it it doesn't mix - the oil-vs-water thing), various spices of course (mmmm "pumpkin pie spice") and even melted hard candy (candy canes work great!).
Starbucks Coffee Beans

Starbucks has a total of 36 stores in Singapore, 37 in Hong Kong and 66 in mainland China. Starbucks has 6,458 stores worldwide. Due to SARS outbreak in China the one within a hospital where those are being treated with SARS has shut down.

Starbucks does have a grasp on the coffee chains worldwide. And with the talks of Starbucks buying out Seatles Coffee there will be even more widespread coffee distribution of Starbucks.
ooh! Do you work for Starbucks?
Send me an asian mug or two? :wink:

I just wanted to say that I tried something new in my coffee today,
the inside of a Cadbury's Creme Egg! It was pretty good, actually, and it melted well.

I just wanted to share that with you all :wink:
Starbucks Buys Everyone

Starbucks is popping up everywhere they can find a spot.
See this thread which talks about Starbucks purchasing Seattles Coffee? I LOVE Seattles coffee!!!!! If Starbucks REPLACES them I will be so upset!!!! :evil:
:evil: Lue
notmuffy said:
ooh! Do you work for Starbucks?
Send me an asian mug or two? :wink:
:lol: :x :lol: :lol: :) :-D :D :-) :? :P :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :evil: :cry: :oops: :evil: :twisted: 8) :lol: :x :shock: :o :( :-) :D :-D :)

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