Starbucks pay- New hires are getting more than me


New member
Oct 10, 2006
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I was hired 5months ago at $8/hr. Now new hires are at $8.50. When i get my 6month raise next month, i'll jump to $8.80. But the new hires will jump to $9.35 w/their 6 month review.

Will i ever catch up to them in pay?
probably not....wait I got it...quit and get rehired :wink:
With the company wide barista pay increase you should've (as of october 2nd) already received an increase to match you with new hires. You SHOULD be making 8.50 if not more right now. If not taking it up with your SM. OR quit that horrible excuse for a coffee company and revel in glee. Personally the Job market sucks around here else I would've already. Ohwells.
We are looking for an apprentice :wink:
tobiasknight said:
With the company wide barista pay increase you should've (as of october 2nd) already received an increase to match you with new hires. You SHOULD be making 8.50 if not more right now. If not taking it up with your SM. OR quit that horrible excuse for a coffee company and revel in glee. Personally the Job market sucks around here else I would've already. Ohwells.

You get the 10% raise after 6 months, beginning oct2.
Sbuxfun it sounds like you're getting slightly shafted. If the minimum wage in a pay grade is increased to more than what you're making your wage should just increase and your upcoming 6 month raise should have no baring on that.

Then at 6 months you should be getting an increase of $0.85.
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