Styrofoam Cups


New member
Feb 9, 2006
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Just want to see where everyone stands on this.

Do you think a Styrofoam cup effects the taste of hot coffee drinks in anyway?

I know what the plastic industry says on this "never heard of that before, I would check out myth buster websites becuase it is most likely a rumor started by paper companies"

I would like to hear from those who make coffee, drink coffee, and Live Coffee.

Don't give me some of the enviromentalist answers. I want this to be based soley on the taste of the product coming out of the cup.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Try licking an empty styrofoam cup and then a plain paper cup.

If you can't taste a difference then I wouldn't want you roasting my coffee.

Aside from that, are you serving coffee to the McDonald's crowd, or coffee lovers? You said "Don't give me some environmental answers", OK. So how about good business sense? Coffee savvy buyers
are concerned about the environment as a group, so they will care regardless of whether it affects the taste of the coffee or not.

Foam Cups

We use specialty foam cups and here is why:

1. The foam cups keep coffee temp longer and better.

2. The foam cups are recycleable.

3. They do not require expensive cup collars that you need with paper cups
because the heat goes right through and burns the customer.

4. There is no aftertaste that you get with paper cups that have had very hot coffee in them for a while. They put a sealer on the paper so they do not just melt in your hands, when that breaks down..where do you think it goes?
Foam Cups

OK, styrofoam is Not recycleable. If the recycle symbol on the bottom is higher than a 2 in most areas of the country, then the container is headed for a land fill. Check out the following link for more info on recycle symbols and what the numbers really mean

So here is my vote for the all-around best coffee cup, the PerfecTouch cup made by Dixie. It is made of paper, is biodegradable, but it feels and works better than styrofoam cups.

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