Toper Roasters


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Aug 14, 2003
Boca Raton
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I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of the distributor for Toper roasters here in the states.
Thanks in a advance
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Funny guys....Topher is looking for Toper. ElPugDiablo I already had that U.S. number though...only a Turkish one...oh well guess I will email them...
We got ours in Canada. possibly montreal, but not for sure. We like Topers and want to get another bigger one. So... if you find something out let us all know too.
Dear sirs,
We are the real owners of Toper Machinery Company.
For every need about coffee processing equipments please feel free to contact us. We would be pleased to be in your service.
Contact us at ( [email protected] ).
We produce best quality machines ( decision of Tea & Coffee Magazine roasters section) with amazing prices.

Best Regards,

Toper Machinery Co.
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Well we bought our Topers...we bought a 120 kilo, 10 kilo and a 2.5 kilo...we should be getting them as soon as our new roasting site is ready...we are going from 10,000+ sq ft to over 30,000 sq ft...I can't wait!!! As to the Topers I went to Boston and checked out one there....and I guess we where happy seeing we bought 3 :wink: if anyone needs the contact info to the rep in Canada..drop me a line.

I bought second hand toper roaster machine.have you knowledge about toper company?and do you have direction for use this machine ?
Do you have any different tipes coffee blends?because so many italian and greek people lives in my location. i want these blends for them.