True or false, is coffee better than getting it on?

Well, not better, but more essential. If I go one day without coffee then I have incapacitating headaches, I could go a lot longer then that without ... well you know.

My wife would say that coffee is more reliable and a cup lasts longer... ;)
Hooligan: ROFL!!!

I would have to say it depends on the coffee and the mood I'm in. I have had a few cups come close but never better and I have had some wicked awesome coffee in my time!
In college we had a saying. Pizza is like sex. Or maybe it was sex is like pizza. When it is good, it is great. When it is bad, it is still OK.

Coffee doesn't hold up as well on the low end of the scale. Bad coffee is really, really bad.

On the high end of coffee experiences, I knew this coffee buyer and whenever she got an extraordinary batch of Kenya AA... well, she had a physiological response.

My nose and palate are not that sensitive.

I've never vocalized after a double shot so that the neighbors would complain or ask for whatever I was having.
Hooligan said:
Well, not better, but more essential. If I go one day without coffee then I have incapacitating headaches, I could go a lot longer then that without ... well you know.

My wife would say that coffee is more reliable and a cup lasts longer... ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol: .....I would tend to agree!
SlipKnoT said:
How about drinking coffee WHILE getting it on eh?

Tried it, believe me, NOT as good as you would think. The coffee gets everywhere and after a while its just a mess. thinks its not good to mix the 2.

could be dangerous, might end up with some nasty burns and a ticked off :evil: boyfriend.

have coffee before or after...NOT DURING!