Vietnamese coffee

ut cham

New member
Jun 10, 2004
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Does anyone know about Vietnamese coffee and ever drink vietnamese coffee??

I would like to know your idea about vietnamese coffee. I am planning to introduce vietnamese coffee to the European countries but every country every taste that's why i am highly appreciate to receive your idea about our coffee.

Thanks in advance :P
You are Lucky. . .

You are lucky, because the quality of your product has already paved the way for your sales efforts.

Good luck on your efforts. Please let me know how you do.
Vietnamese Coffee

Vietnamese Coffee is one of my favorite drinks.

I have yet to find someone who has tryed and not liked vietnemese coffee.

I wish you the best of luck, and am sure if you handle your marketing right, the promotion of vietnamese coffee in almost any coffee drinking market will go well.
I just read some more information on vietnam and coffee.

Read this article at for more information and some statistics about vietnam and coffee. It includes a bit of world coffee trade history as well noting about the durrent supply that amazingly overwelms the demand since 2000.
Re: You are Lucky. . .

[thanks for your wish

i notice that in amerca people know and hear about vnese coffe but in EU it seem that not many people know that why i plan to import vn coffee here to introduce.

it seem a long en hard way before i get sucess but with all the ideas i receice from this forum give me more confident and strenght


if you have time i invite yoy to look ay my website. we are located in Nederlands.

i am highly appreciate to receive any idea from all of you.
Interesting article Macchiato. Reading between the lines it appears very important for Vietnam to move away from the tradditional "commodity" based robustas and stock arabicas into unique marketable varietals. However knowing the changes the country is going through at the moment I am sure the emphasise is on developments away from the agrarian sectors....even though the potential there is indeed huge. Indonesia too is struggling with overcoming the slump min prices since 2000. The good news is prices are now begining to trend upwards again. Indonesia's advantage is coffee cropping is well established through out the archipelago. Also the name recognition helps to push up prices for arabicas coming out of regions of Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi and to a lesser extent Bali.

My final comment would be this. In emerging coffee markets the importance of quality is paramount. This does not just refer to the quality of the green bean (which is indeed very important for the specialty coffee industry in the USA, Europe and Australasia...), but also to the quality of service and delivery in getting the product from the rural areas, to HCMC and then out to the rest of the world.

Anyway- good luck... the growers certainly are the ones at the bottom of the food chain and the ones that deserve a break!
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