Wanted: Used Ambex YM-2


New member
May 15, 2005
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Hello everyone. We are looking for a used Ambex YM-2 in great condition. We would also consider other small roasters if the price is right, but I really like what I have read about Ambex. We are looking to start a small roasting business with the potential of getting larger as time goes on. My wife and I have been roasting and learning about coffee for ourselves for a while now, and we have quite a following of people who have tried our coffee and even bought small amounts from us. However, trying to keep with a 5 oz roaster is difficult.

Thanks for any help,
I suggest you just buy a new one...they are around $7,500....you will pay that off in no time!
check Ebay

I seen one on Ebay for about $4500 for the last few weeks.
I think is was an almost new trade in to another company.

I they might take less as it has been on for awhile.

If you miss it I'm sure another will pop up soon.
are you sure it wasn't a 2 kilo Ambex? Cuz I sold mine on ebay(no time to play with it)
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