
Super Moderator
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Aug 14, 2003
Boca Raton
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I never thought we would get robbed of electrical wires! Sometime this weekend someone broke into our electrical room outside of our building. They took 200 feet worth of copper wiring! Cops said it is about $8,000 worth of wire...this has shut our operation for at least today. We have to have the wiring replaced then we should be ok...If anyone has an outside electrical room I suggest putting cameras on it! The lock didn't seem to deter them..they just pulled the door off its hinges...sigh what a great thing to walk into at 3 a.m.!
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Thought we would be up and running today.. but yesterday when they were re wiring the building one of the electricians got hit with a nice spark..got burned so they shut it down. They are bringing in a huge generator because they red tagged ours due to the theft. We are going to test it in a couple of hours. Nice thing is they will let us use their generator until weeks end and then switch back to FPL. There should not be any more business disruptions...wish us luck :(
What is this world coming to? Deprive a whole crowd of coffee so you can "get wired?". Sheesh.

Tough neighborhood!

Hope you get back to OK soon!

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"wired" nice :wink: Well came in at 3a.m. and had power thanks to a HUGE generator. Now to make up 3 days of roasting..I am so glad this happened on Month end inventory week!