What Starbucks Baristas are Saying...


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Mar 29, 2005
DFW, Texas
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I came across this earlier, and thought I'd share it with you all - I've done everything I can not to display names or thread location so as not to create a big commotion over there...

Oh no they di'nt!
I was flipping through an alternative weekly paper yesterday when I came across an ad for the new It's a Grind coffee house opening in the east end suburbs.

My first exposure to this company was seeing the opening credits to the Showtime program Weeds. I wasn't sure if it was a fictional coffee chain they made up for the show or what. Then I saw an actual store a couple years ago while visiting Austin, TX.

Hemmingway, after looking at their site, it seems pretty obvious where their roots are. I mean, come on. A pretty blatant ripoff of the Starbucks model. I suppose there's nothing illegal or even unethical about copying from the best.

*shrugs shoulders*

I think I'm going to stop by their store. It's the first in Kentucky, so we'll see where they go from here. What are your experiences with It's a Grind?


They're franchised. LOSERS!!! They can't maintain consistent quality across the board that way. Just sayin'. I can only imagine what kind of hoser owns the new one here. Must do research...


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2007-02-13 07:09 am (local) (link)
The stores are pretty inside.

But they have iced cappuccinos on the menu. Ew.

2007-02-13 07:12 am (local) (link)
Ew, stab hate. I woke up way early, so I think I'm going to get ready for work and head out to check this place out... Nothing better to do.

2007-02-13 08:58 am (local) (link)
I think Java Dave's is a franchise too (I'm thinking it's more popular around here in the midwest, so bear with me.) Which is probably why I've never been able to find one that doesn't suck.
it seems to me that its a big case of an immature little girl doing what immature little girls do.

I've actually got a friend who just got a job at a Starbucks, and I can tell you, he doesn't care about other coffee shops, just as long as the coffee's enjoyable. And I get that impression of his coworkers based on what he says about them.
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That's comforting to know - I worked there at one time, simply because they were around, and they paid more than the local shops. I never really heard any talk like what is posted above, but I wasn't sure if times had changed.