What times of day do you usually drink coffee?

whenever, wherever!!

anytime is a good time for coffee.

lets put it this way, no coffee, no work!!!
there is noooo chance in hell that i would even think of doing anything constructive without coffee.

at work i have a plunger. at home i have a perculator in the study, kitchen and living room.
I drink it allllll day...from when I get to work till I leave work...then I drink some beers to come down...man I love my job...I get paid to drink coffee :p
I would have to say at least two first thing in the morning while I set up shop, one after lunch and the last about an hour before I leave work. On my day off I usually only have one
I drink crappy coffee from early morning until early afternoon at the office, on the weekends I usually treat myself to a good cup or two.. or eight..
I am forever on the hunt for a great tasting coffee.
I've found ONE place that can actually deliver a good espresso and a good house coffee.