Why Do You LOVE Coffee?

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Here's my disclaimer: While I am an avid coffee drinker in my own right, I am also an internet marketing consultant who is also working on his MBA (at Suffolk University in Mass.). This term I'm taking a marketing research class and my project is to design a research study from top to bottom. I've decided to kill about three birds with one stone and do my project (bird number one) on coffee attitudes and specifically, on the viability of a drive-through espresso/gourmet coffee business in Massachusetts (which I'm thinking of starting myself - bird number two).

Whew! That's a lot to explain. Anyway, one method of developing a good survey is to first ask very general "lifestyle/mood/feelings" type questions to gage what is "top of mind" with consumers, and then construct the final survey based on what I learn. CoffeeGeek.com and its forum seem like a great place to get some good feedback.

The final disclaimer (bird number three) is that I am, by profession, an internet marketing consultant and I also have a client who manufactures and sells coffee makers. Your replies would also be used by me, anonymously and not quoted at all, to better understand the coffee-drinking public so I can better help this client.

My question is simple: Why do you LOVE coffee? And, Why do you LOVE your current coffee maker (machine)? If you don't love your coffee maker, you could tell me why you don't, and what kind of machine you would love, if you could find it.

Anyway, thanks for helping me out (that is, if the moderators don't pull this post as spam). I can be contacted directly at chucke@chucke.com if you have any questions or if you want to reply directly to me.

Chuck Evans
Internet Marketing Consultant
coffee oh coffee...why do I love thee....damn lets see..I've drank too much and have to go pee...just got back..and lets try again...ah what the heck...there aints nothing better than this phat paycheck
sorry..that is not true....I love it because.....it taste good :roll:
why I love coffee?

I love coffee!!!! :D
Is the flavour, is the aroma, are my memories around the coffee cup. so... when I drink my coffee every day I see life. :)
I love the shine of the fresh roased beans, I love the carmel streaks in the latte, I love the aroma of a shot pulled perfect. I love the hints of things coffee never tasted like before I entered the realm of the bean.
Oh why do I....

Hey Guest,

First, it would be a wise idea for you to open a drive thru in Mass., as they seem to not have that many for some strange reason. But there will be a rush soon. The Dunkin Donut's have them and the New Englanders will line up fifteen deep and wait. There are a few now on the pike stops too. Good luck, I think you'll hit a home run with it if you can duplicate the prices and sweets of the area king, D-n-D.

I am not a real stickler for the particular coffee makers. Whatever comes in for Christmas each year is what I use at home. The last couple of years it has been the Cuisinart. I guess my friends feel I need a new maker once a year. I have not bought one for myself in who knows how long. The beauty to me is in the coffee I run through the maker then put in my head!

As for my love of coffee...well it's a long story....if you're willing to read it here it is www.wildcritterproductions.com/coffeewithjoe .

But the short of it is quite simply the common threads of social comfort it provides for cultures around the world.

Good luck with your work.
I do love coffee

:D I love to drink coffee at noon in my work or when I go to my friends' houses. Venezuelan people are used to offer "Un Cafesito" which mean a cup of coffee, this is a tradition in my country. :D
I love coffee

I like the aroma and especially if its healthy.
I Love coffee

Who doesn't. Coffee has been enjoyed by many for decades. I have found a really nice coffee that I enjoy and will not go without it. There are many that feel the same.
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