WI FI Copy Fax, etc...


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Dec 29, 2008
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I own a coffee shop in a seasonal resort area on the beach in NC and am thinking of offering copy/fax/scan/print services in addition to the free Wi-Fi that I currently have. Any thoughts on this subject from those of you who do that sort of thing or from those who thought about it and decided against it??? Pros and Cons are basically what I am looking for. Thanks in advance to any who respond - this forum is wonderful and has been of great help to me in the past.
Hello Nickle

Welcome to the Coffee Forums!

I think your idea of offering fax and copy services is a great one.

Since your coffee shop is in a seasonal resort area, I'd bet that there are lots of people who would take advantage of your services to make a quick copy or send a fax while they're on vacation. It isn't easy to find those services on weekends or evenings when the local library or post office is closed. I can picture people stopping in for a cup of coffee and sending a fax while they're there. I wouldn't predict that you'd do a huge amount of copy or fax business, but just having it available to your customers wouldn't cost much on your end, since you probably already have a fax machine and copier there for your own use. I can't imagine it becoming a problem. It's not like you'd be making a hundred copies for someone....that's what the office supply stores are for.

It will be interesting to read what everyone else thinks about your idea.

I'd agree w/Rose (as usual ;) ) .. it would seem that having it available in your particular area would be of great service to the people there on vacation, but not a huge revenue generator. Great thing to make available, and customer service is what its really all about.
Is this copy/fax service something you would be investing in or do you plan to use equipment you already have?

Do you plan on using a basic office multi-task machine or dedicated machines?

What volume can you anticipate?

If you think your volume would be very low and you could use basic home-office type equipment with no new investment then consider the record keeping. Fax = $2.00? Copies = $0.15? These all require bookkeeping entries. Is it worth it.

If you anticipate higher volume, then dedicated professional equipment is necessary. Consumable costs are very high on home-office type equipment. You pretty much need to go with a pro copier and a laser fax. If someone comes in to do fax or copies and hears "sorry, out of order" they probably won't come back.

Of course, there is the fact that the direct income is secondary to the value to your primary business as a benefit to customers. If there is no other similar service in your area then it is probably worth a try. But the costs in your time and capital should be considered pretty carefully for nickel-and-dime income.
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Many thanks for the thoughyful and informed responses. Good issues were raised, to wit:
I will not be looking for the service to generate a lot of revenue, but rather to augment my existing Wi-Fi. If I make a few bucks from it, then great. The coner space I have for it is kind of empty anyway and could use something productive. I don't feel the need to purchase better equipment than I have now unless the volume demands it. I have now a "4 in 1" bought inexpensively. Ink cartridges would naturally be the biggest headache besides maintenance. The prices mentioned seem in line with what the big players charge so I will likely go that route. Thanks again to all who replied.
Hello Again,

Would you actually bother making bookkeeping entries for such a small service? Wouldn't it be easier to collect the cash for the Fax or copies and throw it in a "petty cash" envelope and then buy ink and paper when you need them?

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Good point. In my area such income goes untaxed as miscl. income. If it got to the point I needed a didtinct entry column for it then that would be great. I like your idea of putting it in petty for the cartridges. Thanks again...