withdrawals for how long?



hi there! i hear that caffine is addictive as we all know and that eventually you will need more and more of it to get its effect. so what i'm wondernig is how long does it take to lower your tolerance for it again? When i stop drinking it at all and take nothing else caffinated, how long do you think that will take to be uh... cured i guess you could say? anyone know?
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...ok but still no word on HOW LONG? what class of headache would one suffer if they stoped drinking caffine: tension, migrane, classic migrane....
I just feel bored w/out caffeine usually - the few days in recent memory I didn't have it (I was hiking and felt fine) I didn't get a headache. I did get mild headaches though when I was taking 4 caffeine pills a day (800mg) for a short time and then stopped (that was several years ago).

Coffee does affect me more weakly though than when I drank less of it.
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Caffine w/drawls

I'm trying to cut back on the amount of caffine I consume, but was worried about going through w/drawls so I am doing it gradually. I purchased a bag of soy coffee and mixed it with my favorite coffee (cheaper than their blend) and have not suffered from headaches or mood swings. One thing I've noticed is my concentration seems to have suffered...or it is just that I am getting old :cry:
I hope to eventually elliminate all of the coffee I consume, which is sad cuz I really love my ebony brew.
Good luck!
give me a fing break

You speak about coffee like it's some hard core drug,... if you have problems cutting caffine, you have a real personal problem, give me a break, like you have to wean yourself off of coffee by watering it down. You are trying to classify it into the same class as some illegal drug....

Dude, if you can't just say, I only drink one "none" cups of coffee a day, then you have a problem, not with caffine, but with your brain in general.. I so hate seeing these types of posts, they make coffee seem like some drug you cannot get off of and that it sustains any form of your functionality. It very much does not, yes a little caffine helps in the morning, but is not mandatory to get up, nor does coffee drinking dictate your life.

Give me a total fing break here, if this is a personal issue for you, then don't drag in the bean, you are just smearing it's very nature.
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  • #8
You speak about coffee like it's some hard core drug,... if you have problems cutting caffine, you have a real personal problem, give me a break, like you have to wean yourself off of coffee by watering it down. You are trying to classify it into the same class as some illegal drug....

Dude, if you can't just say, I only drink one "none" cups of coffee a day, then you have a problem, not with caffine, but with your brain in general.. I so hate seeing these types of posts, they make coffee seem like some drug you cannot get off of and that it sustains any form of your functionality. It very much does not, yes a little caffine helps in the morning, but is not mandatory to get up, nor does coffee drinking dictate your life.

Give me a total fing break here, if this is a personal issue for you, then don't drag in the bean, you are just smearing it's very nature.

try switching to a less caffeinated brand

You could switch to decaf (tea or coffee) or hot chocolate. I found the healthy coffee to work for me and now pay wholesale. It's great and has less caffeine than decaf and doesn't suckl AND gives me the same energy effect that the caffeine did. Good luck to you!
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coffee can't get you addicted

I love coffee...COFFEE COFFEE! iF I WENT WITHOUT IT i'D DIE! :D :-D :) :lol: :wink:
Re: give me a fing break

espressomaniac said:
You speak about coffee like it's some hard core drug,... if you have problems cutting caffine, you have a real personal problem, give me a break, like you have to wean yourself off of coffee by watering it down. You are trying to classify it into the same class as some illegal drug....

Dude, if you can't just say, I only drink one "none" cups of coffee a day, then you have a problem, not with caffine, but with your brain in general.. I so hate seeing these types of posts, they make coffee seem like some drug you cannot get off of and that it sustains any form of your functionality. It very much does not, yes a little caffine helps in the morning, but is not mandatory to get up, nor does coffee drinking dictate your life.

Give me a total fing break here, if this is a personal issue for you, then don't drag in the bean, you are just smearing it's very nature.

Coffee contains caffiene, theobromine, and theophylline. Bitter white powder stimulants, that you can inject, snort, or eat, just like any other illegal drug. Coffee contains drugs. You sound like you are in denial.

Myself, I'm a hardcore addict. I used to drink 15-45 cups a day, usually about 30. Took a couple years mostly off trying to quit before I fell off the wagon for good, and now try to limit myself to three cups a day. Without coffee I can't wake up, I don't have any energy, I can't be happy. With coffee, everything is great. The main difference between me and a crackhead is that I don't have to rob people to pay for my addiction thanks to the current legal status of coffee.
how long, heh?

now, as you probably know, each person differs from any other...and so does your system and you coffee drinking abilities.

i drink a lot more coffee than anyone should and i know for a fact that besides the headeache i get after not having coffee for at least 90min i become the worst boss on this planet. my staff have learnt that the only way they can survive another day is by making sure i always have enough coffee around me.

now, im not saying that everybody becomes as demonic :twisted: as i do without coffee but you should cut down slowly if you wanna stop consuming too much.

i cut down over weekends...kinda try to flush my body by drinking a lot of water when i do that. i still get headaches when i dont have coffee, but at least im not as work to take my frustrations out on the staff.

in severe cases (like mine) you have to fill your cup every hour or so in order not to get headaches but im sure i only get them coz ive told myself that i wont survive without my 60minute fix. YES, ITS ALL IN THE MIND!

hope you survive supressing your cravings :D