Woah, Discount code cf33 still gets 10% off our Biscotti


New member
Oct 4, 2007
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Haha, just found this thread in a Google search for "David's Biscotti."

Yes, the 10% discount code cf33 is still in effect, 2+ years later.

We're still getting in orders with that discount code, from non- CoffeeForums.com members even.

Hanging in there, although online business and coffee shop orders have gone down significantly over the last couple of years.

Kinda sad to see some of our coffee shop accounts going under during this time, though. :(

Recently, we have been investing in our local customer base.. And it has proven to be a wise investment.

The future, including this coming holiday season and subsequent year looks bright!

PinkRose, CCafe, Lisa, Topher, JLyon, hope all's well with you guys. :wink:
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Aw, heck fire.. How could I forget Shadow745.

Congrats to you for finally starting up your own coffee biz, man.

I mean, it just takes so much motivation, inspiration, dedication, and ACTION to do your own thing.. And you did it.

You did it.. All by yourself. Go you. :p
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Hope all's well with you too, Pugmeister..

I still vow to visit your coffee shop some day. I know I'll then have experienced the best espresso in the northeast when I do.

Hey, is your website back up? Can I order a 5# bag from you yet? :/
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Hey, Topher... Yes, long time. Hanging in there by the skin o' my teeth, to be honest. Our coffee industry accounts have been dropping off like flies over the last year or so, unfortunately.

Thankfully, local places like 1369 Coffee House and other local venues (including a couple of local distributors in Western Mass and Connecticut) have kept us afloat.

I think that going back to focusing on the local base is an important step for us right now. Starting back from scratch, so to speak.
Good to hear you're still around. Yeah times are getting tight for pretty much everybody in one form or another.

Well our operation is me doing all the technical aspects of the van... keeping everything dialed in, keeping up with inventory, Preventive Maintenance work on the van and everything inside it, etc. My wife does all the business side of it, scheduling/finding events, all paperwork, advertising, etc. Works out great like this.

I do plan to place an order really soon. Wife talked me into getting biscotti from the same baker that does our turnovers, etc. and they do make good biscotti, but they only offer 4 flavors. I asked her to do other flavors that were extremely popular when we had yours and she doesn't feel there is enough market for it. I'm like "you have the ingredients onhand, I'm not asking for a hundred of each flavor... so why not try some of these new flavors" and she just shrugged. SO I will get them elsewhere, from you dude... Later!
Wow! A guest appearance from DavidsBiscotti!

It is soooo good to know that you're still alive and kicking! I think of you often, and I'm always wondering how you're doing.

You made my day!

Is Cafe Biscotto still hanging out with you? :wink:
