World's Most Expensive Cups of Coffee


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Feb 28, 2008
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Hello everyone,

I just came across this recent article, and I was amazed at the various worldwide prices for a cup of coffee. These prices are for an "average cup of coffee." ... artner=aol

Tokyo, Japan
Average cup of coffee: $5.04

Berlin, Germany
Average cup of coffee: $5.15

Beijing, China
Average cup of coffee: $6.28

Athens, Greece
Average cup of coffee: $6.62

Paris, France
Average cup of coffee: $6.77

Moscow, Russia
Average cup of coffee: $10.19

And of course Starbucks is in the picture. The article says, "Last year, beleaguered Starbucks opened its first location in the Russian capital following a victory in a lengthy dispute with a Russian patent squatter. Muscovites complained about the prices from the get-go, but Starbucks' brew is actually lighter on the wallet than most. According to The Moscow News, the company's notorious lattes ranged in price from 150 to 200 rubles, or $6.42 to $8.56 at today's exchange rates."

Geez....If a person plans to travel abroad, he or she would need to save up lots of cash for coffee and maybe not plan on buying so many souvenirs to take home (and gather dust).

Some U.S. cafes were charging up to $15 a cup for last seasons La Esmeralda Especial that was selling for as much as $200 lb. I just got a 12oz bag of this seasons crop from Pt's Coffee & it is simply amazing!
its like due to the pricing of the coffee i guess, not so much on exotic, expensive, perhaps rare coffee...
Lots of people wont agree with my statement, but ive learnt with my travels that what i pay for something in ZAR, i pay the same in US$, Euro, Pound etc.

what i have noticed, is that in certain areas people (and im aiming at the restaurant industry), load their prices just becuase of tourism, leaving their locals with not much choice but to rather not purchase anything at all.

in south africa, the average price for a cup of coffee would be around ZAR7 to ZAR10
this is less than $1 US.
and no, this isnt cheap and nasty, this is the price we pay.
but then you get people who read articles on overseas prices, and then instantly adjust their prices to compete with international prices...and we all know that its mostly just a gross average of the more expensive coffees and not the everyday ones.

my boyfriend and i had to take a trip out of town just the other day and went to a place called COCOC or something. i think they specialize in chocolate but we were very desperate for a cup of coffee and it did look extremely attractive.
the whole place looked like a very expensive furniture shop, complete with baby grand piano in the corner, waiters in very shiny silky shirts and heavily overdone flower arrangements in the bathrooms...i kid you not!
so, we knew we were going to pay a bit extra for the cup of coffee, but who cares, we're in a realy nice looking place and we actually contemplated having something there for lunch....that was until we saw we would pay ZAR 55.00 for a slice of cake.
in most cases, a very expensive WHOLE black forrest cake would be more or less that price, but we are talking one slice here.
a tramazini with bacon and avocado, served with a small little bunch of sad looking lettuce and covered in olive oil would have gone for around ZAR 75.00

now, i am not cheap at the best of times.
i believe that if something is realy worth the price, good food, good drink, good coffee etc, i wont mind paying for it...but this was beyond a joke.

We each got our cup of coffee.
it was heavily over roasted, over extracted and very acidic.
as always, i started moaning about how crap the coffee was, my boyfriend telling me to never order coffee in a restaurant again because i am never satisfied but drinking it regardless...
i knew it was going to be a bit more....about ZAR15.00 per cup or so.
i went to the bathroom once again, (one way of getting my money back, by using their complimentary soaps and hand creams etc) while my poor man had to wait and pay.
ZAR 25.95 per cup!

Other than coffee ive had overseas and converting it back to ZAR, this was the most expensive coffee ive ever had in south africa.
and it wouldnt have even compared to the worst of all coffee in any other country.

everyone, do youself a favour, when youre realy in the mood for coffee and there are only places with too much furniture, shiny dressed waiters, chandeleers resembling a hand full of cold drink straws and baby grand pianos standing in the corner, sit outside on the pavement with a bottle of water, and stick your tongue out at the poor idiot sitting inside paying for something he is not going to enjoy.
then there's that cat poop coffee...I think it goes for around 30$ a cup wherever its sold :shock:
Russia is a very promising market

Hello everyone,

I just came across this recent article, and I was amazed at the various worldwide prices for a cup of coffee. These prices are for an "average cup of coffee."

Moscow, Russia
Average cup of coffee: $10.19


The famous coffee houses retail chain Segafredo is going to grow aggressively in Russia. They planning to open 57 coffee houses in Moscow, St.Perersburg, N.Novrorod, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Sochi till 2014, 9 out o which during 2012.
The Russian restaurants company will put into operation this ambitious plans and will get the control stake within 1 half of this year. Management is planning to be enforced by expat specialists together with current Russian team. The company is chosen due to financial transparency and strong experience on Russian market. Development plans will be financed due to credit line granted by European banks.
Segafredo is planning to get the leading positions in Russian coffee shops retail chains market through organic growth by opening new outlets. On contrary, the purchase of existing retail chains is currently not in expansion plan.
Geez....If a person plans to travel abroad, he or she would need to save up lots of cash for coffee and maybe not plan on buying so many souvenirs to take home (and gather dust).


If you travel abroad, bring your own stash and use a light weight tea infuser like the Finum to make a pseudo French press cup of joe. You should be able to get hot water just about any place. What outrageous prices! Without getting too political, our country will be seeing prices like this too as our national deficit sky rockets. Somebody has to pay. We could see a huge tax on our food and commodities like Europe and Russia.
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