Cafe Quality Espresso Machine At Home


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Nov 23, 2014
South FL
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beardedblunder, as a fellow newbie to the espresso world, I have come to recognize that a top quality machine and a $300-$500 price range are incompatible parameters. That's because high quality home machines are more in the price range approaching and easily exceeding
$2,000! These are usually machines from Italy, the home of espresso. The higher price tag range must also include budget for a good burr grinder, which alone can cost $500 without much difficulty.
Having said that, I can add that your price range is certainly understandable, especially for us new-to-espresso folks. I recently purchased a semi-auto machine in your price range. Mine is a Breville "Barista Express," model BES870XL. It's got a burr grinder built in, so the need for that added expense is eliminated. Learning about beans and how to use the machine for maximum good shots is a learning experience. no matter which machine one has on hand.
I hope this is of some help.


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Nov 23, 2014
South FL
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beardedblunder--Here's a P.S. about the purchase of a grinder. Take a look at the "Coffee Grinder Recommendations" thread where I noticed experienced members suggesting grinders in the $100--$200 price range as being good ones.


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Feb 13, 2014
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Not even close to Cafe quality, but I found on WholeLatteLove a refurbished Gaggia Baby Twin for $199, which is reasonably high quality, and will leave you enough money for a grinder. The advantage of the Baby Twin is that it has a thermoblock for the steam which is completely separate from the boiler, so you can pull the shot while you steam the milk. I used to have the Gaggia Evo, and while I'm much happier with my current machine (Ascaso Steel Uno) the price is out of your budget...


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Feb 13, 2014
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Sorry for the double post, but I just saw on WLL that they have a clearance sale on Gaggia machines, and a new Baby Twin is 399 instead of 599, so might be worth buying it new.