Coffee inescapable in modern society ‎


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Aug 16, 2011
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The fact that I even tried coffee in the first place points to something larger in our culture. I saw others drinking it and heard how others see it as a studying savior. In terms of these drinkers, there are ritual drinkers who need those cups to get through their day (I’m beginning to become one of them), but there are also drinkers who drink just to join the party. Coffee has clearly carved out a large portion of the population and nabs more and more people every day.
The ready availability of coffee shops and the frequency by which we visit them also points to this larger trend. Think about the last time you were asked by a friend if you wanted to go grab a cup of coffee and catch up, or chose a study location on campus or downtown only because there was a barista within reach. If you name off the top ten places to study in Lawrence, you’d be hard-pressed to find one that isn’t blessed by the coffee fairy. Why has this crutch become so popular in our culture?
I have some friends who will only drink it cold, and others who prefer it as steamy as possible. Then, I have certain friends who barely even like coffee, yet still drink it anyway. I would compare it with watching a certain TV show just because of its extreme popularity with friends (Jersey Shore, anyone?). As social beings, we don’t want to be left out, and we’ll watch something that we don’t enjoy just because we want to be a part of the conversation.
Once something takes root in a certain culture and manages to retain popularity over a sustained period of time, it becomes standard and changes at a very slow pace. We see this not only with TV shows, but with legislation and current fashions. Prolonged change is difficult.
Because of how our culture is structured, coffee’s essential spot won’t be broken anytime soon: Rough work hours and the amount of schoolwork to be accomplished breeds the need for a cup of Joe. But wait, coffee costs money? Well, thankfully you have a job.
Coffee isn’t going anywhere. Coffee will live for ages in shops, grocery stores, your kitchen counter, and as a necessary accessory to the fabric of your day. It isn’t a fad like certain drinks of choice and other material objects. Its hold on us has led it to be a cultural staple, no matter if we prefer it black, iced, as watered down as possible, or, dare I say it, not at all.
As far as addiction goes, coffee/caffeine is minor league.

If it bothers you, stop drinking, put up with a few days of headache and go on with your life. Within reason, coffee can be good for you.

By the way, you can still go to the coffee shops & have something else to drink - water, decaf coffee, tea, juice, soft drinks. I have family members who don't care for coffee and that's what they do. No one else seems to care - just don't lecture anyone about their coffee intake.