Do beans need to DEGAS??

I think it is a common practice among Diedrich users. From personal experience, if I run the agitator for the entire 4 minutes, beans are warmer than if I spread them out after 2 minutes and let the vacuum effect cool the beans in the next 2 minutes. I wish Diedrich has separate blowers for drum and for the cooling bin, because I find in cooling mode, the blower is a bit under power even at 15 pounds which is supposedly half of the batch size. But I like the air flow during roasting, so I don't want to mess with that.
I am not really understanding this. I used a Diedrich like 13 years ago and do not remember this problem...I know on the Probat I used I couldn't cool and roast at the same time. If you turn off the agitator and leave your fan on...the beans will not cool evenly. Why would the beans be getting hotter if you are cooling unless you are roasting at the same time as cooling? There must be a problem if there is heat leaking into your cooling bin. On a side temp 70 degrees? Man I hate you! Our roastery is around 110 or hotter :cry:
what I meant was when running the agitator for 4 minutes the beans are not as cool as if I do the 2 minutes and 2 minutes routine. Something like 80 degrees vs. 70 degrees. To avoid uneven cooling when I spread out the beans I avoid areas where there is no ventilation like where those bars are at, and the gate to the chute. I also don't cool and roast at the same time, with a one blower roaster, it won't work for me because I like to have maximum air flow at the beginning.

110 degree or hotter? Is there no AC? I am in a shop environment where temperature is regulated to about 70 degrees, but in a year or two I need to move the roaster to a more industrial type setting. I never thought about the temperature at the roastery.
Hey Guys:

I'm back for a minute...Yeah El P.D. I use an IR24. We do a continuous roast and the beans are still a little warm as I drop from the cooling bin. I think they are cooling for about 3-4 minutes between dropping. So I do let it cool down just a little longer in seperate tubs until bagging. We roast about 50lbs per batch green at a time. And Topher we are roasting at the same time as cooling since we are doing a continous roast. Some day when we get a little larger we will be able to get an additional roaster, but for now this is the method we have developed. I've never used anything but a Diedrich so I don't know anything else. 8)