Good morning Coffee Forums Community


New member
Aug 24, 2013
Cambridgeshire, UK
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Thanks for accepting me in your community.
My surname is Polytan, I'm French currently living in Cambridgeshire, UK.

I've never been a big drinker of coffee as it tended to be in dissaccord with my bowel. However, I always enjoyed the taste and discovered (by luck?) at a friend that a freshly home brewed coffee cup taste great and that I can digest it! I also discovered that it is much better without milk and just a hint of sugar.

OK, enough intimate digestion details :)
My fiancée offered me a few month ago a coffee grinder (blade type) and a stainless steel french pressed (just fight for one mug or two small cups). There is a shop in Cambridge, UK from where we buy roasted beans so I tend to change type and taste every morning.

Joining this community, I would like to know you better, share experience, understand what I do wrong, improve my processes and, why not, meet with some :)

Recently I was looking at a crush grinder with scale integrated as the blades offer no control and the scale I have is 2g close, which for a single cup makes big differences. Also, my french press doesn't filter well!

As you see, plenty of things to discuss!
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Welcome Polytan,

You will find a lot of useful information here.

Please feel free to read through the Coffee Forums and post questions in whatever particular area you're interested in. We also have a handy search feature that's located at the top right corner of your screen that you may find helpful.

We hope you'll visit us often.

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Thanks for your kind message :)

Before anything I will start reading messages and discussions as it will answer most of my questions !

Are there any people here from Cambridgeshire, UK ?
1st thing your gonna want to do is chuck out that blade grinder, no seriously lol. Blade grinders just mash and chop the beans up in uneven pieces, not suitable for any means of coffee but especially for French Press. French Press needs a very even grind, and a blade gives you uneven chunks and dust so you basically end up with the worst of both ends, overextraced small pieces and underextracted larger ones. You can get a cheap burr hand grinder, like a Skerton or Hario Slim unless you get something like a Baratza Encore.

What French Press are you using? And what's your process?
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Hello !

I've never heard of Skerton or Hario. I will look at this as I clearly have lots of dust in my mug after serving myself. Do you recommend a specific model ?

My process is simple so far :
- I pick up my beans from the freezer,
- weight 12 to 14g of them
- blade-grind them up to the point I get something quite thin
- poor my hot water (but I wait a bit after it boiled before using it) in my french press.
- my fiancée offered me a Grunwerg "café olé " which doesn't seem to filter well
- after 1 min 30 I break the top of the coffee
-after a total of 4 minutes, I press and serve. The cafetière is exactly one cup.
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Here a picture of my current french press. No wonder why there is some crap in the bottom of my cup ! ...