Good Quality Chinese Roaster


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Dec 7, 2012
Michigan, US
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I was looking at some used roasters and ran into distributor who carries top quality Chinese Coffee Roaster Brand called Amazon.

1kg , price is USD 2950,
2kg, price is USD 4800,
3kg, price is USD 5500,
5kg, price is USD 9300,
10kg , price is USD 12300,

This is price I was quoted but I am not sure that includes the shipping.

I heard the review in Korean and Japanese roasters and they are actually saying it is as good as American brand names....


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What do you guys think??? Forgot to ask....
1kg machines are all electric and rest of them are gas or LPG...

I'm supposed to get my hands on one of these (1KG electric) here in the next few weeks so I'll let you know how it looks, works and most importantly how the resulting coffee tastes :razz:
What size roaster are you looking for; gas or electric? I imported a roaster from Taiwan, and that brand is #1 on the island used in over 60 coffee shops and cafes. So track record is important and if the safety features on the machine matter (mine has none). LP roaster from Taiwan works fine here, but have read someone had trouble with a Taiwan roaster in the mainland due to the LP gas composition being a little different. Importing coffee roster is not that difficult if you use an American broker and the manufacturer sets up the freight for you. You do want to price it out to Detroit, MI or your nearest port. LCL cargo from China or Taiwan is going to LA or NY and then trucked to the final port destination. Customs will inspect it in MI, and you can pick it up with a truck or get it delivered. Freight is calculated by volume, not weight (cbm). A 1k roaster might fit in 1 cbm, not sure; 2 or three cbm ought to fit the other sizes.
How much are u paying and how much is the shipping...
i bought the cheapest drumroaster from china and can take more than 10 kilo
heating is electric.
it looks horrible but works excellent, im still amazed its really working :)
price !! lower than the 1 kilo roasters mentioned above.

but of course, if you need something nice it will cost more.
How much are u paying and how much is the shipping...

I'm still getting more final details on pricing but it looks like it'll be around $2700 + shipping from Los Angeles.
Supposed to arrive in the area the second week of January so I should have more information to share around that time.