Happy New Year


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 28, 2008
Near Philadelphia, PA
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Hello Everyone,

I tried to find an old "Happy New Year" thread to dig up and use, but I could only find one that had 2009 in the title.

So, I'm starting a new one.

I hope you all have a happy and healthy New Year 2015.

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! I wish everyone here a VERY prosperous year whether it's selling coffee or just doing what you do best.
I look forward to coming here each day and reading comments from everyone. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. It has been very helpful to me as I continue to learn all I can about Coffee and all things relating to it.

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Hello Everyone,

I tried to find an old "Happy New Year" thread to dig up and use, but I could only find one that had 2009 in the title.

So, I'm starting a new one.

I hope you all have a happy and healthy New Year 2015.


Another year has flown by! Happy New Year to one and all!

Happy New Year everyone! Sorry I have been out of pocket lately..busy roasting like a madman!! I wish everyone a successful year!!!
I say we give Rose a trophy for posting to last year's thread instead of starting a new one; may everyone follow her example. And of course, for being an outstanding moderator!

Happiest of New Years wishes for all of you.
Happiest of New Years to all! Happiness is not having all the coffee you want, but wanting all the coffee you have. No one deserves bad coffee, except terrorists...they deserve bad coffee...just sayin'.