Need an advice!


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Dec 19, 2011
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Hello everyone, I'll try to keep myself short and clear, I hope you guys can at least give me an advice of what to do. It's about my girlfriend, something's not right with her. First of all she has no energy at all, she feels anxiety and occasionally has panic attacks. On top of all she sleeps a lot. Every day she gets up at around 17-18 PM, and goes to bed a round 4-5 AM. Me on the other hand I sleep normally, but now when I'm trying to be there for her I started falling asleep at the same time as she does. Well at least I'm trying, although she says that when I fall asleep she stays in bed and can't sleep until 8-9 AM. We visited the local doctor and shrink, we told him everything and he prescribed her some anti-anxiety pills or something, along with pills that are supposed to relax you down when you are feeling stressed and are about to have a panic attack. These work at least, but not the others. It's been 2 months and no effect. Same thing every day. She gets up at 18 PM and before she figures out what to do today it's already evening and time for bed. At first I thought it's insomnia or something, but she doesn't think so. Her past was colorful. At teenage she was getting drunk a lot and doing drugs. Eventually she stopped doing all that at the age of 19-20. The after effects were getting a headache even from a glass of beer or wine. I don't know if what is happening to her now is some after effect of the drugs, and if so how the hell can she get rid of them? She is 22 now and this can't really go on forever. I'm running out of patience, we have to start living a normal life. Additional details would be pains in the body, like really big pains (at least that's how she describes them), mostly in the back and stomach. At the time of her monthly period it hurts her so much that she sometimes even cries. I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but I have no clue of what's happening and I wanna give you guys all the details. As of her back, it hurts often with no reason, without doing any physical activity, just hurting out of nowhere. When she is awake it takes half an hour to get up from bed. Also if she gets any energy to do something, it is in late night. I mean, when she gets up she is doing nothing all day but watching TV, and when midnight passes she starts doing some activities around the apartment, cleaning and fixing stuff. While me I'm dying for some sleep at that time. We tried making a schedule for her, even tried not sleeping for more then 24 hours so she can fall asleep in a normal time in the evening, but with no success. What else, hm... Oh yes, we went to the doctor again after some time and he was thinking of sending her to some mental hospital. I was negative about that. In my opinion, there's gotta be something that's just there but no one sees it, like the core of all her problems. Like something that's triggering all the other problems. I'm sure there's something I've missed but I'll write it down if I recall it. I'm hoping this much information can help you guys to determine any disorder or sickness she might have. Oh also she was thinking she has ADHD, whatever that is, but I don't think so. I really hope you guys can give me an advice, at least something that will give me a clue of what to do next cause it's really terrible wasting the days like that, after all life is short. Thank you, if you want additional details I'll check occasionally to see if anyone has answered!
At least something that will give me a clue of what to do next cause it's really terrible wasting the days like that, after all life is short. Thank you, if you want additional details I'll check occasionally to see if anyone has answered!
At least something that will give me a clue of what to do next cause it's really terrible wasting the days like that, after all life is short. Thank you, if you want additional details I'll check occasionally to see if anyone has answered!
Anxiety and occasional panic attacks can be caused by many things, but this is not the place to search for answers. Try typingg anxiety and panic attacks in Google and see what information you can find. There are several home remedies that you can find.
At least something, which will make my future career to do clue as to what this is really terrible waste of such, after all, life is short day. Thank you, if you want more details, I will occasionally check to see if someone has already answered!