2-5 lb roasters

Here is a small list of good quality coffee roasters that manufacture the sizes you requested:

San Franciscan
SASA Samiac
US Roasters
Petroncini Impianti
More beans for the buck!!

Us Roaster Corp's 3KG Millenium roaster will handle 8lbs in one roast cycle with out any trouble at all. Some have even pushed the limit to 10lbs per roast.

Check their pricing and you will be surprised compared to all the others.
Try turkish models, Has garanti, Toper. They are good machines, I dont have experience but as I know Garanti is upgraded too. Simply avoid toper's Cafemino neither electric nore gas, that is horrible, but their bigger gas models (2.5 and up) are really good.
I roast with the Toper's Cafemino - Electric with no issues. It's great! Roasts 2lbs per batch every 15 minutes depending on the temperature and roast. They also sell a 3kg/6.6lbs and a 5kg/11lbs.

They have a Canadian Distributor: try Robust Roasters in Toronto

International Sales contact Toper: www.toper.com
I have noticed that you roast on 5 kg one too and that is also "great". I believe the 5 kg toper should be really good, but how is cafemino great? It can not separate the chaff and the beans come out full of it in the cooling drum. The machine can not simply cool the beans and my one (I dont use it at all after a few trials) is not exception. On my email they answered that "after my letter they had done trials and to their surprise it turnd out they had done some mistakes when making this model and now they would work on this and come back with solution". I got the solution too -- "We can give you a stronger fan motor but it will result in longer roasting time per batch". I myself doubt that it will also grab the roasted beans to the chaff collector. And after all when you put 1 kg load it can not do it earlier then 30 minutes even now and if prolonged you can imagine the rest. When there is from 500g to 1 kg load the beans are usually stuck in glass window and they dont roll with other beans, so when the batch is already roasted you still see only green beans in the glass, the huge sampler is located too high and it permanently fails to get any beans out till it is really at the end of roasting and the bean size is increased very much, that time you have chance to grab some.
So I doubt your experience that you "roast with the Toper's Cafemino - Electric with no issues. It's great! Roasts 2lbs per batch every 15 minutes depending on the temperature and roast."
Good luck!
Ok, I have 60 kg Toper and that is good.
I will be flying down to OKC soon to check out my machine at US Roasters. I did look around a bit and asked anyone and everyone about the machines.

Did anyone notice that you get twice as much metal with a U.S. roaster ?

I would write something if I didn't mean it. When did you buy your roaster? Did you buy it used? Many times the used roasters are tampered with by the owner which makes them less efficient.

I recently bought my roaster and there is no problem with the Chaff not being collected.
she.roasts said:

I would write something if I didn't mean it. When did you buy your roaster? Did you buy it used? Many times the used roasters are tampered with by the owner which makes them less efficient.

I recently bought my roaster and there is no problem with the Chaff not being collected.

I have never bought anything used, so I spoke about the brandnew one. I bet your one is not at all better. I explained clearly that my roaster was not an exception and they can not cool beans, separate chaff, roast in 15 minutes and I bet you will have a fire in every 5 roasts.