A new coffee blog, Mahir's Turkish Coffeehouse


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Feb 23, 2009
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Hello everyone!

I'm a coffee lover... I especially like Turkish coffee! While I was living abroad, I started to search on Turkish coffee. After that time, I've been trying to improve what I know about Turkish coffee. Now, I'm writing a blog to share my Turkish coffee experience with others...

My blog, Mahir's Turkish Coffeehouse, is completely dedicated to Turkish coffee: http://turkishcoffeehouse.blogspot.com

The blog contains information about many perspectives of Turkish coffee... How to brew Turkish coffee, history of Turkish coffee, fortune-telling :), and more...

It'll be great, If you could take a look at it and share your comments with me. I would like to hear comments about content or webmaster related issues.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Mahir,

You can also add your website address to your profile. It will show up under your name in every post that you contribute to the forum. Just go to your profile under the user control panel and enter the url of your blog in the website line.

More on urls and forum rules: viewtopic.php?t=6
See rules 2 & 3.

Nice blog, I hope you get some useful comments on it from here. Good luck!
Nice blog. Love your post about automatic Turkish coffee machine - sounds really interesting.

I think you have not been adding much content recently, try to add some content regularly (I would say at least once or twice a week) - it is good for the search engines.
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caffe biscotto and coffeepotato, thank you for your comments!

For a while, I didn't have any opportunity to work on my blog. But, I started to post new content again... Hopefully, I'll increase my traffic again... :)
The blog address has now changed. The new one is: http://www.turkishcoffeeblog.com/.

I spoke a bit with Mahir earlier this year when I was buying a Turkish hand mill for espresso grinding. He recommended a Sözen, which was also confirmed in a different internet discussion I had with another person in Turkey. Mahir has a recent blog posting on Zass., Sözen, Acar, and Hon.

For what it's worth, I love my Sözen.